Oct 30, 2024

Takeaways from “Pattern Breakers”

Mike Maples Jr's playbook on how to build industry-changing companies

Pattern Breakers: Why Some Start-Ups Change the Future is a decent read. The author repeats examples from the same subset of companies (Lyft, Twitch, AirBnb), over and over again, but I’d still say the broad concepts makes sense.

Here’s the book distilled into a 5-step playbook for building “pattern breakers” (i.e., massive, industry-shaping successes).

You don’t need every point here to build something small and sustainable. But if you’re aiming for something big, take heed.

  1. Identify a Breakthrough Inflection: Look for an inflection—whether it’s new tech, a shift in culture, or changing regulations—that has the potential to redefine your market or industry. Aim to break rules, not just fill gaps.

  2. Develop a Non-Consensus Insight: Focus on unique, non-obvious truths that leverage this inflection. Breakthroughs come from uncomfortable insights that challenge accepted ideas, not from consensus thinking.

  3. Define an Urgent Need: Find an intense, unmet need that your product or service addresses. It should be something people feel desperate for, rather than just a slight improvement over what’s available.

  4. Create a Movement with a Purpose: Build a compelling narrative around your mission. Make your early adopters the heroes, and cast your product as the tool they need to challenge the status quo. Target true believers who will champion your vision.

  5. Flip the Script on Incumbents: Redefine the strengths of established players as limitations, positioning your solution as the natural next step. Emphasize how your approach is different enough to make imitation difficult.