Aug 27, 2024

Red Days and Green Days

At the end of each day, I ask myself one question.

At the end of each day, I ask myself

“Did I spend this day the way I want to spend my days?”

If the answer is “no” too many days in a week, month, or year — I know I need to make a shift. My wife and I call those “red” days, from the idea of coding a day either “green” (good) or “red” (bad).

Notebook showing red and green days

Keeping track of them helps you avoid recency bias, and thus overcompensating, if you’re having a red day. Was it the first red day in a long time? Or the fifth one this week?

A few red days are OK, especially if they’re in service of some greater good or goal. And each person has a different red day tolerance.

But, don’t put off fixing those red days for too long.

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.1


  1. Annie Dillard in The Writing Life